It’s time to take control of your health, your fitness and your life

We are absolutely obsessed wtih helping people just like you to achieve a strong, fit, vital body and life.

There is never a ‘right time’, however if nothing changes …. then nothing changes.

Velocity’s track record speaks for itself.  Velocity has been in business for 16 years and over that time, we have changed more lives for the better than we can recall.  With thousands of kilograms shed and incredible changes made through our LIFESTYLE program, we pride ourselves on POSITIVE CHANGE. 

Kickstart Program

Personal Training

Get stronger with our affordable and supportive options.

General Membership

Over 18, injury free and safe to use the equipment on your own?

Our LIFE-STYLE program

Are you ready to make even more changes?  This is where we take a deep-dive into your lifestyle including your diet and daily habits.


In-house and referrals.

Not sure where to begin? Join our Kickstart Program.

Our KICK-START PROGRAM is super popular and is a really simple & effective way to get a feel for how training at Velocity can help you unleash your new healthier and fitter body.

Let’s face it, we all want life to be less complicated. Adding in a fitness regime can seem like a very daunting task that could potentially overload you.

Fear not, our KICK-START PROGRAM has got you covered.

Give us four weeks of your time and we will KICK-START your body and mind to new levels!

Not sure where to start?

Our KICK-START PROGRAM is super popular and is a really simple & effective way to get a feel for how training at Velocity can help you unleash your new healthier and fitter body.

Personal Training

Our personal training makes getting stronger affordable and safe.


TEAM Training

Functional movement in a small group environment.



Make even more changes. Take a deep-dive into your lifestyle including your diet and daily habits.


General Membership

If you’re over 18, injury free and safe to use the equipment on your own, general membership could be for you.



We have an on-site physiotherapist

Professional referrals

We also work closely with a selection of practitioners who can assist with injuries, soft tissue and muscular-skeletal problems.


"Ac feugiat ante. Donec ultricies lobortis eros, nec auctor nisl semper ultricies. Aliquam sodales nulla dolor. Luctus lectus non quisque turpis bibendum posuere. Morbi tortor nibh, fringilla sed pretium sit amet."

Axel Farrow

"In non pulvinar purus. Curabitur nisi odio, blandit et elit at, suscipit pharetra efficitur elit. Curabitur non bibendum ligula Morbi tortor nibh fringilla."

Angela Charlton

"Suspendisse sagittis lorem accumsan convallis pharetra. Praesent ex ante, placerat quis purus a, tempor consectetur lorem. Integer accumsan pharetra orci nec tempor. Quisque mollis vel enim a facilisis. Aliquam ornare nunc nibh, sit amet porta diam pretium in. Cras et velit faucibus, dignissim tellus at."

Renesmee Thomas

Our Blog

Tom Cho Look Who’s Morphing – Book Review

Look Who’s Morphing is Tom Cho’s debut novel. Published in 2009 by Giramondo Publishing in Australia, it places Cho in the bosom of postmodern literature. A book of eighteen short stories, touching on themes of identity, popular culture, nostalgia versus technology...

A day in November – draft

Preface Have you got your horse ready too?  That’s the way.  Right! We’re all ready to go galloping so that we can have some music. Let’s tell Mr Music that we’re ready too.  Ready please Mr Music. Oh come with us and gallop, and gallop, and gallop. Oh come with us...


58A Parker St, Bega NSW 2550

Copyright © 2025Velocity Health and Fitness