Are You Creative?

Are you creative?  I pose this question to you for reflection. I have my own opinion about it.  If you are alive you are creative.  If you are in business you are creative. The old paradigm of our society tells us that creative people make art and then that art gets...

Create a custom 404 page in your Divi theme website

I was helping Nic Bathurst of Naturally Nic today to fix up her 404 page and realised that you might like this too!  Do you have a WordPress website with Divi theme? If yes – then did you know you can customise the 404 page?  Why bother? The 404 page is usually...

Home Page, Landing Page, Sales page WTFFFFFF

Today I wanted to talk about homepage landing page, the page that people land on when they come to your website and sales page. These terms get so confusing. I’m also going to go into detail about what I think a homepage would include. I’m hoping to...