super freaking
organised + consistent
You want to sell more sessions and make more revenue in your biz and you know that requires you to change the way you do some things.
You know you need to be more consistent in so many ways and you feel like you are spinning your wheels – things are a bit chaotic sometimes…
You know that there are certain activities that will grow your business that you aren’t doing as often as you would like.
You want to be more consistent on socials, with your blogs and your content in general.
Your self care is also a vital part of being a successful business woman but somehow even those things seem to get bumped; the simple things like drinking more water, eating well and moving your body.
You want to be more organised so you can easily find stuff on your computer, find stuff on the internet and quickly find those client notes on sessions.
Then there are all the extra things, like where to keep those notes you wrote about your {amazing new idea}.
It’s time to:
Organise your ideas
Organise your client notes
Organise your biz life
So you can be super freaking organised and consistent in 2023
You know that you can reduce a bunch of hassle from your days from being able to easily find that {image – folder – word doc – thingo}.
You also know that you sell more in your biz when you show up more consistently.
You know that those things can only happen when you are looking after yourself pretty much like a peak athlete!
And maybe you would appreciate the added support of an Australian Bush Flower essence session…
Blogging Best Practices
You get:
3 hours of live calls with Natasha
Call recordings
Templates and other resources
Lifetime access to all resources in the course platform
Optional add on Australian Bush Flower Essence + $35
Super flexible payment options
2 additional Q&A calls at a later date up to 12 months after the course

add on an australian bush flower essence
You get:
- On top of everything above you also get a 15 minute face to face session with me to choose an Australian Bush Flower Essence to support you while you do this!
- Before the session I will intuit a shortlist of essences for you based on your numerology and your intake form.
- Includes the essence and postage within Australia OR distance healing if you are outside Australia
I know it’s overwhelming; there are so many plates spinning.
Sound familiar?
You can easily feel like you aren’t getting anywhere
You have a gazillion tabs open
You feel frazzled, hassled and overwhelmed
You waste time looking for passwords
You waste time looking for that image you downloaded
You feel like you’re spinning your wheels
You feel all over the place
You aren’t taking those key actions your biz mentor set you up with
You aren’t looking after yourself like you promised yourself
You aren’t growing your business because you’re too busy helping everyone else.
Maybe you’re just eating chips on the couch watching Netflix because you’ve burned out from not looking after yourself.
You have so much time and you feel like you should be getting more done, because you don’t have a shortage of time.
You resist organisation and planning systems because you are a free spirit and those systems just feel too restrictive.

People say I am super freaking organised. I have shared some of my tips and tricks with people here and there but I’ve never shared it all in one spot before.
The thing is: I never used to be organised or consistent. I have been developing a practice in my daily biz life and now I feel confident to support others to do the same.
I have helped my clients to get the important things done regularly, grow their business and be way calmer because they can find that file on their computer without pulling their hair out or getting the twitch to throw the laptop at the wall.

do I have to purchase more programs to follow your systems? Like Apps, etc? Or is it all about your daily routines and habits?
All the tools I use are freeeee
I guess it’s about daily habits and routines but if you asked me I’d say it’s more about mindset, practice and support
I’ll show you what I do and all the things my group program have told me I have to teach. you and then I’ll support you to develop your own practice.
Call details
The course is taught in 4 live sessions.
There are 2 x 1-hour teaching calls and 2 x 30-minute Q&A calls so you can get customised responses to your particular situation.
You also get 2 bonus 30-minute Q&A calls any time in the 12 months from when you buy this course.
Calls are delivered using Zoom.
If you can’t attend any sessions, just watch the recordings later. You’ll still get all the key content 👍🏽
The course lasts from Thursday 23 Feb through Tuesday March 7
All calls will be 12pm AEDT (Sydney)
Thursday 23 Feb 12pm – 1-hour teaching call
Tuesday 28 Feb 12pm – 30-minute Q&A call
Thursday 2 Mar 12pm – 1-hour teaching call
Tuesday 7 Mar 12pm – 30-minute Q&A Call
Everything will be recorded and it’s lifetime access once you enrol.
❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
Whether or not you join this, I hope you experience a way you can find joy when it comes to being organised and consistent in your business on the day to day 🙌🏾

I believe in women. I know that we hold the balance to restore harmony and peace to society. The more we are succeeding in business the more we can bring that to the business world too. More business success and freedom for women means more of the above in an upward spiral of goodness.
The tech is a barrier for so many women and I just happen to love tech. I am really good at making it easy and simple (that’s what a bunch of people have told me anyway!).
I’v’e been sitting in women’s circles for 30 years and this is really just like women’s circle with laptops. Nothing is off limits and everything is welcome. Plus we get to hang out, support each other and grow our businesses. Win!
I can’t wait to see your version of this practice and the benfits it brings to your biz. I look forward to bring inspired by your new ideas!
It’s going to be quite fun and experimental. I can’t wait to see what you have to share!