Have you just gone live with your gorgeous website?
What now?
I have a LOT of ideas for things you can do now and the number one thing I recommend is to get the Facebook© Pixel on your website!
But what the heck is the pixel? What does it do? Why bother? And how do you get it on your website?
All the answers are in the video below.
And if you’re getting a website created by me, this is what the pixel is all about and why I think it’s important for YOUR business.
You can watch the video here:
If you’re folding washing or on a walk you can listen to it here:
What Why How Facebook Pixel
Or if you like reading, here are the main highlights:
What is the Facebook pixel?
Basically, it’s a piece of code you can put on your website that will track if any Facebook users have been to your site.
So what?
Well, if someone has been to your website, you know that they are interested in what you have to offer. And maybe they are thinking about working with you.
If you have the Facebook pixel on your site, Facebook collects that information for you to use when you run ads. You can do cool things like place ads infront of people who have been to your website or get the ads robot to find more people like the people who signed up for your thing or bought your thing.
Why put the Facebook pixel on your website?
This is the big question.
Becuase a lot of people say “but I’m not ready to run ads on Facebook yet”.
I hear you. But one day if/when you decide to, if you’ve had the pixel on your site all of that time, Facebook is going to have some data about your ideal client already and give you a delicious head start on your ads intel. This will make your ads cheaper and more effective. Yay.
Data is a business asset. Knowing exactly what kindof people sign up for your freebie or buy your products and having a robot who can find more of them is a dream come true.
How do you get the pixel on your website?
It depends on your website.
If I’m building your site, I will use a plugin to get the code in the right part of the site.
If you’re using WordPress I recommend either “Pixel My Site” or “Header and Footer Scripts”.
If you have a Wix website, instructions can be found by Googling “put pixel on wix site”. I won’t share a link directly because it will become outdated. Google search is a wonderful thing.
If you have a Squarespace site, my advice is the same as Wix: instructions can be found by Googling “put pixel on wix site”. I won’t share a link directly because it will become outdated. Google search is a wonderful thing.
Do want to chat about your website or Facebook ads or the pixel?
I help people create Simple, Beautiful websites. I also love to help people feel empowered about their website so they can use it without having to worry about breaking it!
If you need a hand or would like to chat about how I can help you, go ahead and click the button below and make a time for a free chat using my scheduler.