Hello, today I’m going to be talking about Facebook for business. 

If you are a lightworker, a very heart centered person, sensitive and empathetic, if you really feel the feelings, and you really don’t like tech much, it may actually be helpful for you to be on Facebook. 

If there is such a massive departure of all the good people leaving social media, then Facebook becomes a less positive space. Now I know, it’s not our responsibility to make Facebook good. There are things that I don’t like about Facebook but it is a place where you can show up and connect with people. If you choose not to be on facebook it’s a lost opportunity, not just for you in your business, but for the people that you serve, because they are looking for you. If they happen to be on Facebook, and it’s easy for them to find you.

It’s kind of thwarting their opportunity to grow and thrive and flourish and transform, if you are simply holding back because of a mental aversion. If you can kind of get past this then you’re going to be able to help people more. 


Before I was running a business, I was not on Facebook and it’s not really something I’m massively in love with, for so many reasons. However, I wouldn’t really have a business if it weren’t for Facebook. I’ve grown my business over six years and part of that has been through using Facebook for my business. 

I have been through the ups and downs of wanting to release Facebook and choosing to stay. So I understand all the different feelings around Facebook and its suitability for me and my business.

I’m just going to talk from a place of having realized that this is good for me and good for my business, good for my clients, for me to show up there. If you don’t have a social media platform yet, and you’re trying to decide which one. I would say Facebook is an okay place to start. 

There’s another blog I have about which social media to choose which social media platform. So I would recommend checking that out if you’re not really sure.

If you’ve decided, yes, Facebook’s for me, I understand how it works, I have some connections here already, then the first thing you need to know is for business, it’s against Facebook’s terms and conditions for you to conduct business from your personal profile so they’ve created a business page option. 


That’s the first thing to note is that there’s your personal profile, and there’s your business page. However, you can’t set up a business page without a personal profile, you can’t run ads without connecting it up through your personal profile. So don’t get confused about where you’re showing up. 

 You know, if you use Facebook, just for friends and family, it’s going to work much better for you to have a Facebook business page but if you’re really only on there for business, then it’s okay people will just find you.

 It can be really helpful to leverage your current contacts to help grow your business because word of mouth is such a widely successful way to build a business. I would say the two main pillars of business growth are your current network and referral sources and your content creation. 


Something that is so great about social media and Facebook is that you can connect on both those levels using Facebook as a tool. You need to go in the top corner, there’s usually a button or you can click Create, and you create a business page.

There are three things that I think you need when you’re setting up your Facebook business page. These are that you will want a banner at the top, you will need a profile picture and it’s really helpful to focus on your ‘about information’. 

 For the banner I like to use a tool called Canva. It’s a free tool, you just sign up with an email address. You just type in the search field, Facebook, then you’re going to see a lot of templates that they have. And I want you guys to make your banner using the template called ‘Facebook Cover’. 


The good thing about Canva is that it will help you because it’s got all these beautiful templates in there that you can simply choose one, that one that you find appealing, you can bring in your words, your colors, your images, and make it your own, then you can just download it as a JPEG and bring it into your Facebook business page. 


The second thing you need is your profile picture. So if you are an entrepreneur and working with you is the service, then I would think it’s great to have your picture. Sometimes people like to put their logo as their profile picture and that’s okay. However I think if people are working with you, they’re going to meet you eventually and it’s important that you get used to posting pictures and videos of yourself, it’s gonna just make your business go so well. 


So even if it feels a bit uncomfortable at first, I know for me it felt uncomfortable at first, hopefully you will get used to it over time. What I see is that people get used to it over time. So if it feels really wrong, right now I feel you, I have been there.


The third thing you will need to fill in the about sectionion, it’s helpful if you can just fill in as much information as you can write as much as you can about your business, how you help people, what your values are, fill the about section as much as possible. 


And then your business page is ready to go.

There are so many reasons why I think the Facebook pages are important. One of them is that their SEO is great. If anyone ever typed in your name, it’s going to show up in the Google search as your Facebook listing, which can be really helpful if someone’s trying to share your information with someone else.


It’s helpful to run ads. I really like running low cost ads to help my business grow. As a business owner, it is just a normal expense to spend a little bit of money on ads. Even if you don’t love Facebook, and you mostly show up on Instagram, the running of ads on Instagram and Facebook is controlled through your Facebook account. 


Usually, you can run ads on Instagram from inside the app but it doesn’t give you many options. It’s quite limited. So I like having all the businesses I work with set up with a Facebook page. If we’re running ads, it just makes it so much easier. And it gives people something to share. 


It also gives you a place where you can practice creating content. Like I said before, one of the important pillars of growing your business is creating regular content. On Facebook, there are lots of different kinds of content you can share. You can share an image, you can share text, you can share live videos, or pre recorded videos. They have now stories on Facebook, and I think they even have reels on Facebook. Stories and reels are things that have come over from Instagram. 


If you are at the beginning, don’t worry too much about all of those options. Just focus on writing some blog style mini article type posts, so text only posts, and posting some pictures or videos of you with captions that just explain what you’re talking about. 


If you just made a couple of bits of content every week, you can then share them to your personal profile. It also helps you to  practice talking about your passions, how you serve people and what your business is all about. 


You don’t have to post every day. But the more you post, the better you get.. I just like to stay in practice and help the content creation muscle get stronger. So the more you do it, the better you’ll be at it and I really encourage you to create content as much as you can. Don’t deplete yourself but do keep trying. 


It’s very important that you can write the content for your posts so that later on if you decide you want a website, you’ll be practiced at writing content about you, about how you serve people and about the challenges your clients face and the way you help them move through that.


Alright, think that’s enough about Facebook for today, but if you have other questions, please let me know and I’d love to answer those either in a comment or as another video. I hope you have a beautiful day and I’ll see you soon. Bye


“I pay my respects and acknowledge the people of the Yuin Nation, traditional custodians of the land on which I live and work. I also pay respect to all Elders — past, present and future.”

Do you just want to talk to me about your business and website?

I’d love to chat. You can book a free chat and we can discuss website set up and all of the other things I mentioned here. We can even set it all up of ryou and save you the headace. 

Go ahead and book a free chat here: