are we
a fit?
You are here to transform and support people
Perhaps you are…
- a naturopath, kinesiologist, nutritionist. Or maybe you were sharing these modalities and you don’t play exactly by the rules anymore
- a coach, mentor, sound healer, intuitive healer or other holistic practitioner
- sharing yoga, astrology, Human Design, hypnosis, EFT, NLP, herbalism, plant medicine, vibrational healing and other tools to support your clients
- fine with being called radical or wild and are happily untamed
- an HSP, neuro-divergent, feminist
- a long time women’s circle attendee who has been on this path for a long time
- right at the beginning and not even sure exactly what to call yourself yet
Whatever it is you are doing, you have found the path that makes your heart sing and now you want to see it grow.
You are ready to impact more people and change the world.
We likely share some views on important things…
If you’re like me you’re deeply concerned about things you see happenning in the main stream of our culture.
The loss of community and our real-life, in person connections. The ways that our automony, choices and control are handed to an “expert”.
The way that loss extends to our local knowledge and sovereignty over food production, health and education for our children and our families.
On top of that, you are ready for increased, intersectional awareness around topics like gender, race and money. You are happy to acknowledge the sovereignty of the people’s whose land you live on.
Here are some other things we could rant about for hours by the campfire…
Natasha is a unique person to work with. She is very honest, clear and direct, which I really appreciate. Natasha is incredibly generous and fair in what she offers, with a lot of free online content and support.
When I work with her, I feel that she really believes in what I do and is invested in getting my services out into the wider community. As a sole trader, I often feel like I have to do it all myself. Working with
Natasha gives me a sense of support and encouragement to step out and be proud of what I do. Its more like being part of a team. And she makes me laugh whilst we work, which is a real bonus.
The Patriarchy
We all know it’s time for this guy to go.
This is what uunderpins our abdication of responsibility. What sends us to the doctor instead of the herb patch or our aunty.
Patriarchy isn’t good for men or young women. It erodes our ability to thrive as a society and it’s part of why you’re in business: you aren’t cut out to be an employee.
You question
You innovate
And you are tired of feeling like exactly who you are is not good enough.
Another lever of the patriarchy and capitalism has us sending our kids off to school to “learn”. Another way our wisdom and lineage has been taken away from our communities and placed in the hands of experts.
School isn’t good for kids, teachers or our society. It’s a flawed system of curricular compliance full of good people trying to do a good thing (teachers).
Imagine if they taught {insert life skill} at school.
Yep – imagine.
I did a uni degree only to realise I didn’t need it.
Why do we think we need another certificate to start sharing our genius?
Guess what?
We don’t!
The only education we really need is to know ourselves and see that expressed through all that we do. To understand the value of that expression to the entire world and the courage to express it.
Oh this one! Holding hands with patriarchy and making life generally worse for so many people.
Even if you are living with a degree of privellige, you know that this system is dysfunctional and yet it is our current system.
You would be just as happy to swap, barter and trade but for now you just need to pay the bills and eat.
You are ready for a whole new relationship with money and you aren’t going to sit back and wait for the government to fix it.
Health, healing and wellness
This belongs back in the hands of our mothers, aunties and grandmothers where it has been for most of human herstory.
Food as medicine, plant healing and energy healing are all complementary tools you have used and want to increase community knowledge about.
Yes – there’s science and the *wonderful* advances of modern medicine. And let’s create some more space for the long, trusted lineage of diverse healing practices.
Nature is medicine. Bushwalks are necessary and healing. Let’s get our kids dirty. Let’s talk about all of this naked in a rockpool sometime. Don’t even get me started on sunscreen…
The amount of mistakes I made and mess that I created in my life by not taking responsibility has made me appreciate sovereignty in a fanatical way.
That extends to the sovereignty of the owners of this land we call Asutralia.
It includes an appreciation for the sovereignty of my clients and audeince to make informed, consent based choices about my services as expressed through my marketing.
Really I could just say wholefoods.
And then something about local food.
Oh yeah there’s also food autonomy.
And food knowledge.
Healing with food and growing food.
Maybe it’s not so simple. Although I would like it to be.
Birth and death
Yet another part of our culture where I wish there was less homgeneity, more autonomy and more villiage.
I birthed my babies at home, medically unassisted.
I have no judgement for other people’s path.
I didn’t breast feed successfully and that was an incredibly humbling experience.
I had a still born baby.
A heart-breaking, lesson-filled journey that gave me a deep and loving appreciation for death and greiving.
Let’s talk more about all of this and the ways that the oppressive cultures are ruining the meaning that could be imbued in our life process. And then let’s plan our deaths and death parties together. Maybe after a bit of Swedish death cleaning.
Your workspace is full of
Crystals, houseplants, your altar, oracle cards, coloured markers, paints, journals, natural fibres, native plant smudge sticks, dried herbs, vases of grevillea and other local plants, flower essences, candles, essential oils and your diffuser, rocks, shells, sticks, your drum, chimes, gongs, singing bowls, shakers and hides.
You’re inspired by thought leaders like:
In no praticular order: SARK, Charles Eisenstein, Russel Brand, Clarissa Pinkola-Estes, Leonie Dawson, George Kao, Richard Flanagan, Mona Eltahawy, Dani Gardener, Rupi Kaur, Rumi, Ra Uru Hu, Osho, Denise Duffield Thomas, Joe Dispenza, Isabelle Allende, Yuval Noah Harari, Cal Newport, Esther Perel, Alfie Kohn, Esther Hicks, Ibram X.X Kendi, Gretchen Rubin, Rudolf Steiner, Elaine Aron, Brene Brown, Elizabeth Gilbert, don Miguel Ruiz.
When it comes to learning anything new on the computer I quickly feel overwhelmed and exhausted just thinking about it!
I joined Natasha’s course to learn about MailChimp and it helped settled my nerves.
I still need help but Natasha helps me unscramble my thoughts so I can get clear on how to tackle tech tasks.
She is really easy to talk to and doesn’t confuse me with jargon. I can ask her anything.
Grateful to have Natasha just an email away and I know that if I can’t do it, she can!