
Have you got your horse ready too? 

That’s the way. 

Right! We’re all ready to go galloping so that we can have some music. Let’s tell Mr Music that we’re ready too. 

Ready please Mr Music.

Oh come with us and gallop, and gallop, and gallop. Oh come with us and gallop in Romper Room today.

Our animal friends will take us, will take us, will take us. Our animal friends will take us to places far away.

Bright Eyes


It’s a beautiful day. All is calm and peaceful in the paddock. Or is it? 

If you look closely, very closely, you’ll discover a whole new world with a world of difference. Full of exciting adventure and desperate conflict.

Is it a kind of dream? Floating out on the tide. Following the river of death downstream. Or is it a dream?

There’s a fog along the horizon, a strange glow in the sky, and nobody seems to know where it goes and what does it mean? Is it a dream? 

Sign up to start annotating. 

Molly and William

Moongy, 2018 RAV4

It’s nice to see them spending time together. It’s been so tense lately. Like that trip to the mechanic the other day; they didn’t speak at all. I know Will has been having a hard time lately, trying to make sense of this phase of his life, feeling terrible about his out of control behaviour.

Molly has short hair and short legs and short frocks. Pink and white striped cotton in summer and red serge in winter. But her name wasn’t short at all. It is Millicent Margaret Amanda but everyone calls her Molly. 

“Isn’t there anything the medical system can do to help?” pleaded Molly.

“There’s just not enough medical research that’s been conducted on menopausal men or even men in general.” sighs Will. “Other than Tranexamic acid, all the medical approaches are hormone interventions.”

“I just can’t believe it – how can that be?”.  Molly was exasperated because she lives with her privilege and is unwittingly oblivious to the struggles of men. How can she help it? It’s the oppressive system that’s to blame.

“That’s why we are angry all the time, Mol, because every direction we move, everything we do, we’re just walled in. It’s nice for you and I guess it’s hard to imagine what it’s like for us.”

Will felt that perhaps his fantasy of really conveying privilege to a white woman had transpired. 

It was going to be a good day. 

Taking the slow and steady turns on this dirt road and the morning sun on my hood. 

I’m happy for them. 

I wonder if they can sustain it.


The wind

The cascade ranges.

In the high country, the first rays of sunlight that fill the dawn bring the sweetest part of the day. The air is crisp. The mountain creatures rise to begin another day or scurry for their burrows and hollow trees to rest after  a night spent in search of food. 

Thowra, like the wind that is free, wonders what the wind looks like. 

“I am here” I shout. 

“Look only at the clouds, the dust storms and the river’s veneer and you will see me”.

He’s the son of the wind, strong and free. He only needs to look within himself to see me.

As I strengthen, you see me coming up the gully on the surface of the water. 

In the secret mountain vales, through the mist and ancient trees, I run like a horse so proudly, a silent breeze. Then I am a ghost. 

If you let yourself be lured into the wild you can become beautiful and independent. It is the only way you will  be able to survive these times. 

Bok Choy

Invasive riverside reed

It’s a practical hat. Shazza bought it for her from Titanoboa. Shazza had just got one for herself. She offered to grab one for Jo from Titanoboa because she was going to be there to pick up some other stuff for her hike. 

I could tell he admired her hat. 

I could tell he wanted one too. 

It’s lightweight. Great for a hike. It has the fabric at the back like a leigionairre’s hat and a firm brim but it is more of a bucket hat style. Except it covers the face. Not like those fashionable bucket hats that keep the parents quiet but do basically nothing. 

Shazza and Jo had become fast friends. On the first day of kindergarten, Jo had reached under the table to pick up something she had dropped when she saw that Shazza had the same coloured undies on and knew immediately that they would be best friends. 

He was happy for them. It was great to see Jo really alive again. It had been hard for a few years. For her and also for him. 

“It’s invasive. Apparently you can eat it like Bok Choy”.


They have found me out. 

Luckily, I’ve taken over basically all the banks of this waterway. No amount of wallabies or well intentioned wild harvesters will take me down. 

The titanic

Green, plastic, 6 person canoe

Kate is from an upper class family and Elio is an artist. He won his ticket onto my seats for the day. Even though they’re in love, Kate’s family and fiancè are trying to keep them apart.

Kate: “The bubbles mean there’s something to dive for”

Elio: “Of course, I know so much about fishing”

Kate: (laughs)

She knows he is joking. He won’t even kill a mosquito.

Kate: “It could be a fish or a clam, or a squid.”

Elio: “So, you can sell them?”

Kate: “Well, you usually give the first one to Blathers and then you can sell the rest for bells.”

Perhaps their reality is so saturated with Animal Crossing that their experience can only take place through the filter of their preconceptions that were fabricated in advance by Nintendo. 

They notice a snake swimming across the stream. It creates an arrow head of ripples in its wake. 

Elio gives a nod in the direction of it.

Kate: “It’s a young one isn’t it?”


Hunstman spider

Oh god – what are they doing? 

Arggghh. They’re getting closer. 

Her: “I’m so sorry old man” 

Hmph. I’m actually still quite virile. What do you know of my age pink thing?

The Titanic clashes into the reeds where I have established my web. I have been at it for hours. Sorry really isn’t going to cut it babe. 

I’m pretty tempted to leap into their boat, rush up her body and attach to her jugular and suck the life out of her. 

Just kidding. 

But I am psychic and I know that is her worst spider fantasy. 

Really, I just want them to fuck off so I can collect some breakfast. It’s hot as Hades today. All I rocked up here for was a snack before I head out to an overhang under a cool rock to wait it out for the day.


Christmas Beetle

I’m on my back, my 6 legs writhing in an ecstasy of the ending. The elders of  my tribe have set me out – cast me out – as a ritual sacrifice to the gods. Only my death can bring peace to the tribe. I’m nearly done for. The glory of this death has no comparison. 

Oh no, what? 

The big, stupid pink creature scoops me up and sits me on a tree branch to dry. 


Does he not understand? 

Does he not see?

It’s vital for me to die today, now, under this 11am, fingernail moon. 

He relishes my flight and yet I fly away from him. His interference. His well meaning rescue. His defiance of the gods’ will. 

I will die today and all will be well for the future of my community.

Yves and Ada

Lace monitor

My claws grip everything with certainty. My muscular tail swings with every stride. The ancient ones ripple through my physique. I love these hot days. The heat makes them slow but it gives me power. 

They had no drive, no motivation. 

They were happy simply to be. 

I’m not sure why Yves didn’t realise; Ada had the water purifier in her bag the whole time. Yet there she lies, her leathery skin pulled taut over her bleached bones. 

Yves crawls to the boat, skin blistered, lips cracked and broken. His trousers are only a castaway’s remnants. He won’t make it to the boat alive. 

His movements remind me of the times when the ancients were hunted by the original people for food. Even though I know he poses no threat to me, I don’t linger to find out. He seems on the brink of his last breath and desperate people do desperate things.

Captain Buttcheek

Her buttocks

They have just figured it out. The Titanic can be steered without using the rudder! Yes – that’s correct dear ones. Just lean your weight. If you want to turn right, you just transfer your weight, your energy, your intent, over onto my right one. I can feel myself pressing into the set of the Titanic. And yes! They achieve their goal. They are veering right without him having to turn around. His back will be alright for another day. He’s 48 and suddenly he is noticing the physical limitations of his age. He doesn’t want to risk injury. 

She understands, “Jump on – my butt cheek will take us there. We can steer just by leaning the boat.”

Yes I will.

References and Inspiration


Romper Room

Watership Down trailer

Bright Eyes by Art Garfunkle

Bright Eyes Lyrics

Milly Molly Mandy by Joyce Lankester Brisley

The Silver Brumby 101 – Friends of the High Country

The Silver Brumby Intro

Colt From the Snowy River review on Goodreads

Titanic in 3 minutes

Animal Crossing New Horizons by Nintendo

Baudrillard via Ward, G. (2011). Discover postmodernism : Flash. Hodder Education Group. 


The Boudica series by Manda Scott

Look Who’s Morphing by Tom Cho

Only the Animals by Ceridwey Dovey