Today I’m going to talk about launching and the 3 stages of product development, launch and rest/integration.

I have someone in my group program, who asked me for a list of things that I would suggest that people do when they are launching.


She’s just finished the “Loving Launch” online course. A huge part of what I shared in that course, is that my launch process has been developed by me to suit my energy, my business, my audience, the things that I like to do in my business. 


This means that any list that I make is not actually a very good fit for anybody else, because they have different preferences, different ways that they enjoy showing up and different energy levels. Their audience is different and what they do in their business is different.

However, I understand that it could be inspiring to know what actions I take, it could be a good launching pad for you as a basis or a beginning step if you had a list like that, so I’m going to relent and tell you what my list is.


Just to backpedal a little bit, that launch actually begins once you have an active, complete and functioning sales page so that when someone clicks the ‘Buy Now’ button, they’re able to give you money, they get added to any email lists that you need them added to, and that that whole process is smooth and flawless.


Until you have a sales page with completed copy and images, and a ‘Buy Now’ button that works or whatever the call to action is, if the call to action is to email you, or to submit an application form, whatever the action is. Once that’s all working perfectly, that’s when you can start launching. 


Until then, I’d say you’re in a different phase, the phase of getting your product ready. So that is quite distinct and separate.

Once I have my sales page ready, and everything’s functioning beautifully, then I do these things.

So the first thing is I create a Facebook event on my Facebook business page, then I share that to my personal profile. I may also make a video, a live video or a pre recorded video about my offer. And I would share that on Facebook as well. 

Then I would go over to Instagram, and do the same, I would either have a live video, or a pre recorded video that I would share on Instagram about my offer as well as images that I make in Canva, I have some copy ready, and I would post on my Instagram.


I also post in some Facebook groups that I’m active in, I’m actually only active in my own group and one other group. My group is only for my clients and students. That’s where I do groups. However I know a number of business people who like to hang out in groups, so I would be hitting my groups.


 Then I like to email my email list. I really love George Cow’s approach. He just emails his list twice about it. So I just email my list twice about it, I don’t want to be hammering people on the head about it. If someone signed up to my list, I think it’s pretty clear that as well as sharing content and tips that I’m going to be mentioning my offers.


I’m really happy to have people unsubscribe if they are clear that they never want to buy from me again, or they need to tidy up their inbox or whatever the reason. However, I also feel that that’s a great place to sell.


I know from experience in my own business and other businesses, that email is really the place where you can sell. It’s a beautiful opportunity for you to connect with people and serve them and also to share your offers with them.


That’s what I would do all in the first day or two of having my launch. That’s my learning process.

Then there are a number of other things you can do.

I also have referral partners. I have some other people in business, who serve the same kind of clients that I do, but we do slightly different things. I will often share my offer with them via email. It’s just a personal email, just kind of connecting with them genuinely because we love each other and saying, here’s my current offer. If you know of anyone who this is helpful for you might want to send them the link to the sales page and thanks in advance. 


I also ask them, you know, what are you up to? Is there anything you’re promoting right now that I could show up on? The thing with that relationship is that I nurture it throughout the year. I consistently show up in their social media commenting on their posts, cheering them on and

referring to them, I refer clients to them as well. I’ve often interviewed them, it’s a mutually beneficial relationship.


I love having referral partners. This practice is called Net Caring and I learned that from George Cow as well. I’ve talked about it before, but if you can’t find it, you can, email me about it. 


Once I’ve done all of those initial actions, I will then every few days mention my offer, over a two week period, I think every two to three days. Whatever you can manage, sometimes I only do it twice, in the whole two week period, just whatever feels good. Just show up again, a live video, in your stories on Instagram, maybe your reel, maybe a carousel, post about it, a 60 second video, anything you can do like. The more you can talk about it the better for that two week period. Intersperse it with other acts of service in your content so other tips or whatever you have for your people.


And then the next thing


Collabs. So I noticed some people like Leonie Dawson and other people will try to be a guest on someone else’s podcast in the lead up to selling a new offer. You could plan ahead, that would require quite a bit of planning if you’re going to show up on people’s podcasts or being interviewed by them on YouTube or Facebook or you can do Instagram live together. That’s going to help you reach their audience who may not have worked with you before.


And I’ll email my list a second time over that two week period. 


One other thing you could do is your own podcast about it. 


You could also do a blog post that is a solution focused podcast or a blog post that is on the topic that the offer is around. It really depends on what your offer is, if it’s a course or group program, or one on one, a book or whatever meditations, whatever it might be, you can put a call to action at the bottom of your blog post to the sales page.


I’d probably want to have that ready before I start the launch, or I would be writing furiously during that launch period. 


Oh, and the other thing I do is Facebook ads. I just do some simple Facebook ads, very low cost. I do them all the time, it’s very unusual for me to not have ads going and always one of my ads is about my offer. 


I do a few other tweaks as well. On my website, I put up a secondary menu on my WordPress site so that there’s a little bar at the top. I tweak my course page so that my current course is at the top and I put my course into my menu. I would say that all of those activities are part of that pre launch work that I do.


So that’s pretty much all that I do for my launch. And I wonder if you can think of anything else. 

Let me know if there’s something you can think of that you would do for launch that I haven’t mentioned, I’d love to hear it. 


I hope this has been helpful. I’d really love to talk more to you if you’re interested in launching and you want to have more of a conversation. If you have more questions hit me up and I look forward to seeing you another time. 


“I pay my respects and acknowledge the people of the Yuin Nation, traditional custodians of the land on which I live and work. I also pay respect to all Elders — past, present and future.”

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