Today I’m going to discuss social media for your business. 

I really love hanging out on social media but sometimes I get sucked in there and I kind of hate that. However I do have a business and so when I started my business, I wasn’t really on social media but I did go on to social media, for the sake of my business.

If you don’t have a website yet; you have a fledgling business or if you’re at the very beginning of your business journey, then I do think a social media platform can be really helpful.

  1. It works well when you create content regularly
  2. It gives you somewhere that people can refer their friends to 
  3. It lets you have a link for things like MailChimp, Instagram etc

If you’ve been following along with some of my other videos, where I talk about Zoom, Acuity and setting your ABN up, then I think a social media platform is a good next step.

Then it’s just a matter of figuring out which social media platform really works for you. 

I have these three questions that I suggest you ask yourself.

The first question is where are your people hanging out? 

For most of us, that are serving women that are middle aged, a little bit older, our people are going to be on Instagram, unless our audience is much older.

Or our audience might be on Facebook a bit more.

If your target is  people who are in corporate right now and trying to leave their corporate job to start a business, then maybe LinkedIn is for you.

Whatever you do, just choose one social media platform and learn how to use that really well for now. 

So where are your people hanging out?


The second question is where can you show up and feel happy? 

If I post on Facebook, I just don’t feel happy.

I don’t know why but Instagram feels more comfortable for me, I feel happier there.

The real question here is: which platform do you understand the best and can you show up there?

Even if your people are on Instagram, but you really just don’t get it and it feels like it’s stalling you or it’s getting in the way or  you just don’t feel comfortable there, that will block your progress.

You could do my Instagram course but also you could just post on Facebook, if that feels more familiar.

If you’re like, you know how to use Facebook and that feels more comfortable then do that for now.

Later on, when you’ve really nailed one, you can choose the default one.

The third question is  are you able to use the tool?

I have just discussed this merged in with the second question.

But what I specifically mean here is: can you create a post? Do you understand the tech side of it? Do you understand how to create posts that people will engage with and respond to? 

If that is a “yes” for Facebook, then just hang there for now. You can conquer the others later when your tech skills have increased. 

Just try to make it easy on yourself so you can focus on what’s important: showing up and sharing regularly.

Building relationships with your ideal clients. 

That’s the three questions. Where are you people? Do you understand how the tool works? And can you show up and create the content using that tool?

Where do you feel happy?

Because your energy is going to come through.

If I’m not feeling great, my videos won’t go well but if I feel good then my good energy comes through.

It’s the same for you, it’s really just important that you feel good on that platform.

If it’s really shutting you down, then you either need to just do a little training to suss out the platform or choose a different platform. 

Now the one thing that I do recommend with your social media is even if you don’t have a website yet that you do these two things.

That you link it up with your Acuity if you’ve set up acuity so that people can make bookings with you that’s great. So you want to send them off there so they can book sessions, 

You also want to make sure that you make a commitment to create some content with some kind of regularity. That doesn’t have to be every day however, posting every day is really good for you as a creative person. 

This way the more you do it, the better you get at it.

The first few of my videos I probably wasn’t as happy with and then over time I’ve become more comfortable.

The first few social media captions I wrote, I wasn’t that happy with them and I’ve become happier with them.

Same with my blog writing and all of my content creation.

The more I do it, the better I get at it simply because I’ve done more of it. 

So if you can bring yourself to post every day that’s good and if you can’t, even once or twice a week is fine. As long as you feel good when you create the content.

I think it’s more important to have social media for your business as an interim because it’s free and you don’t need to set much up. It connects you with other people. 

A website is a lot of work, I have another video and post all about this.

A website is a big cash investment and a big time investment. You have to have all your wording and messaging figured out. You want to have some great images and you probably need to know what’s going on with your brand in terms of your colors and your fonts. 

Definitely in the first six months online, I don’t think that that website is what you should do.

I think social media is great if you want to have a way for people to book with you using Acuity or Calendly, or something like that. Use that as the link on your social media where it says website, it doesn’t have to be a website, it can be your Acuity link, or your Calendly booking link. 

So in the short term, it’s great to have a social media platform because it’s free, you get to practice talking about what your message is.

So you can practice talking about the things you care about & talking about how you serve people.

This way you get to practice speaking about your purpose, speaking about your service, writing about your service, making videos, you get to practice all that content creation. And that will support a website later, when it’s time. 

You also get used to seeing your face on social media, hearing your voice on social media, just on the internet in general. If you are completely opposed to social media, and you just don’t want to do it at all, it’s fine you don’t have to do it. There are other ways.

I just think it’s cheaper, quicker and easier to set up a social media platform for now, before you crack into a website, I don’t think a website is the first move.

I think I’ve made my point. I think it’s a good idea to have social media. And especially if you are a more sensitive person, a sort of spiritually minded person, you care about personal growth, you care about making the world a better place, about the environment. 

If you’re one of those people, social media desperately needs you, because you will bring such a beautiful energy and make the space so much richer.

Even though it feels difficult, I think it’s really important for people like us to show up and shine a different kind of light, so that these spaces don’t become dark and awful spaces, they become places of light and transformation.

I hope you have a really beautiful day. I hope this made some sense. If you are starting up your business and you start a social media account, comment below with your link or tag me in your Instagram post and I will come and say hello.

Lots of love, I’ll see you next time x

“I pay my respects and acknowledge the people of the Yuin Nation, traditional custodians of the land on which I live and work. I also pay respect to all Elders — past, present and future.”

Do you just want to talk to me about your business and website?

I’d love to chat. You can book a free chat and we can discuss website set up and all of the other things I mentioned here. We can even set it all up of ryou and save you the headace. 

Go ahead and book a free chat here: