This blog is intended to share a simple, practical structure to support wild, rule-defying creatrix women to create content.
I mean: I work with a lot of women (and I myself am one) who dislike norms. Women who need to pave their own way. Who have a lot to share but say “f*&# you” to shoulds.
Or maybe they’re not quite that shouty but they find it hard to follow a regular set of rules about content creation.
I have been there. I thought I knew how to create content and I would just go with the flow. I would just pop into Facebook and post a bit there and then pop to Instagram and do a bit there and then pop to LinkedIn and then POP – the day was over and I wasn’t sure what I’d really achieved and where the time had gone.
Plus, I wasn’t sharing my gold.
I was kind of splatter gun promoting, not really building an audience around my deeper soul work.
Sound familiar?
The thing is: I am SUPER creative (and so are you) but I didn’t realise how deeply this runs in the veins of content creation and entrepreneurial life. I could embrace cooking amazing meals, sewing fabulous garments, or painting and drawing as creative pursuits – but business??
After I read Big Magic, I had a strong sense that my business was a creative endeavour. But writing and content creation? They were just for marketing and business and “getting” clients weren’t they?
The artistry of content creation was lost on me until I started working with my 2021 mentor, George Kao.
Through working with George and following his Authentic Marketing approach I have realised how much content creation is about me and my service to humanity and how little it is about “getting” clients – although that is a lovely outcome sometimes.

And over time I’ve learned to apply some of the things I’ve learned through making art to creating content. I did the Artist’s Way process with the divine Aesha Kennedy a few years ago and since going deeper with creative practices I’ve realised 2 key things:
Content creation and creativity in general flourishes when there’s a regular practice
Creativity flows when there is space to feel free and unhindered
These 2 things seem to be in conflict though don’t they?
Let’s unpack that a little.
When I make something every day, whether it’s a painting or a piece of content for my business, I just get more relaxed and comfortable. I make more and from that more means there are more wins. Not that the ratio of “happy with this” to “this is balls” changes, but rather, because I made 100 in total instead of 10 in total, the number of “happy with this” is 10 rather than one (if that were the happy:balls ratio).
DId I lose you in the maths?
I just mean, there is always some content/creations that we are happy with, that resonate with others and that really “work”. But if we only make content two times a year, it will take us 20 years to even have 40 pieces of content. If we make one a week we have 40 pieces of content in under a year and if we do it every weekday, we have it in 8 weeks.
Not that 40 is a meaningful number.
It’s just that out of 40, you might have a few that you are happy with, that resonate with other people, that really “work”.
And further to that: as you create more, you will naturally get better. Because creativity is like a muscle and when you work it out – it gets stronger. You get clearer on what it is you’re trying to say and how you say it. You get better on certain formats, like video or (if you’re like me) writing.
So, I wonder if you feel inspired to do a little creating each day?
Or if that’s too much once a week?
I used to try for one a week and that was great for a couple of years. I really didn’t think once a day was for me. But since I’ve been doing daily content, it’s become a lovely and heart warming practice that I miss when I can’t do it.
But how does that work – when creativity needs to feel free + unhindered to flow?
The trick is: knowing where to constrain and where to be free.
A simple practice that I recently shared with a client is to use Google calendar for 2 things:
- Collect the ideas I have for upcoming blogs
- Create the space and time for content creation
Basically, you can create a new Google calendar if you need to or use an existing calendar and make some repeating Content Creation events.
I go to the Google calendar and create an event. Call it Content creation and allow about 1hour for writing a blog and around 15 minutes for a simple piece of content.
In the date and time of the event, I set it to either recurring weekly for a blog or recurring every weekday for general content creation. In the description I gather together my content ideas that I have on bushwalks, in the bath or wherever they strike me. I might have to write them down till I get to tech, and then pop them in my collection spot when I get to it.
Then, when it comes time to sit down and create, I don’t make myself work through the list. This is when I leave it to my inner compass to guide me. I trust my energy and intuition to decide what to post about on that particular day.
This is the balance of structure + flow. This is knowing when to constrain and when to flow.
The commitment to your growth and the commitment to sharing your brilliance is the constraint. The time that you lovingly set aside to dedicate to humanity and your business is the constraint. Your loving commitment and service.
The choice of what you will create content about and what format is the freedom and intuitive aspect. What is lighting you up today? What is alive in you? What is ignited today? If it’s definitely NOT a video day (we all have them) maybe it’s a writing day. If you feel sparkly, then maybe it’s a video day. You get to decide + be free.
What do you think? Could you experiment with this method and start to share your brilliance?
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“I pay my respects and acknowledge the people of the Yuin Nation, traditional custodians of the land on which I live and work. I also pay respect to all Elders — past, present and future.”
Do you just want to talk to me about your business and website?
I’d love to chat. You can book a free chat and we can discuss website set up and all of the other things I mentioned here. We can even set it all up of ryou and save you the headace.
Go ahead and book a free chat here:
Thanks babe. Yes! The 5 minutes personal challenge has been the gamechanger for me xx
This is pure GOLD – yes I watched to the very end!
Putting your blog/content ideas into the description is brilliant.
Plus I love the 5 minute daily challenge