Is there a better size for your Facebook™ ads?
Well, actually yes there is!
I’m not going to keep you in suspense – it’s 1200px x 628px.
So, is that the end of the story?
Today I’m going to show you the easiest way I know of to create Facebook™ Ads images and that is using my favourite free online graphic design tool called Canva.
If you haven’t heard of it before then HOORAY for you and today is probably going to be a turning point for you in making great imagery for your online and offline marketing. I recommend checking out some of the other Canva videos on my YouTube channel of you find you are getting stuck with certain aspects of this lesson.
Check them out here:
If you have heard of Canva then hooray for you because today you’ll be learning that it can also improve your Facebook™ ads ?
Also, for some of you 1200px x 628px actually doesn’t mean much.
Let’s get straight to it.
Open up Canva and log in or create an account.
Then follow along with this video tutorial:
How did you go?
Please pop any questions in the comments below or simply share the image you came up with.
If you’re interested in learning more about Facebook™ ads I recommend you check out the Facebook™ Ads Simplified eCourse:

Want more help with Facebook™ Ads?

Change the game for your Facebook™ Ads. Stop throwing money at the wall and wondering why you aren’t getting the results you want. Pop over to the info page and find out if it’s the right thing for you:

Read more from the blog.

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